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Long Life Ledger

Napa Cabbage

I know the size of the napa cabbage in your bags this week (3-5 lbs each) might scare a few people, however I want you to know that this cabbage has a very long shelf life if you keep it cool.  There are a multitude of uses for this cabbage.  To insure my daughters get their veggies in the ramen noodle soup they insist on eating, I add some chopped napa to the bowl raw before I pour the hot soup in the bowl.  Going to a party that requires a dish to pass?  This Asian Cole Slaw will be the first dish to go. Stir fry chopped napa cabbage with some sesame oil and soy sauce and serve as a side dish.  This photo is not an unusual photo if you are in China during the napa cabbage harvest.  This type of pile can be seen on many corners in cities.  Once a family takes home their 1/2 dozen heads of cabbage, they store it outside on the windowsill of their apartment building for months to keep it cool .

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