While we have always grown our own food in an 1800 square foot garden at our home, 2011 was our first commercial growing season. We chose farming as our second act because we care about quality food and healthy living. We also wanted a family business that was tied to the community, where exercise and nutritious eating was a part of our job! I also wanted to be able to drop everything and go to Elmwood School to volunteer for my daughters’ classes. After I lost my mother 19 years ago to brain cancer, I became hungry for knowledge of what we could do to fight disease. Little did we know then, that Don would be diagnosed with colon cancer. We credit his 11 year survival to better food, nutrition and fitness. Even though he was already quite fit, his cholesterol dropped 60 points this summer. We attribute that to the additional vegetables he was snacking on in the field as well as those prepared most meals. His physician was so impressed he wants to sign up for a farm share.